APOLLO -ERC Consolidator Grant 2018

Title: Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Wireless Powered Communications 

Period 1/7/2019 – 30/6/2024
Funding Europe
Status:  Ongoing
Code: 819819

APOLLO IPE  –Complementary

Title: Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Wireless Powered Communications

Period 2/5/2019 – 30/4/2022
Funding RESTART 2016-2020 – Complementary/ 0916
Status:  Ongoing

PAINLESS             Energy-autonomous Portable Access points for INfrastructure-LESS networks

PAINLESS – IPE   Complementary -energy-autonomous Portable Access points for INfrastructure-LESS networks

IRIDA     IRIDA Research Center for Communication Technologies

IMPULSE              Wireless information and Power transfer towards sustainable sensor networks

SWITCH Simultaneous Wireless Information & energy Transfer for low-powered Communication tecHnologies

PRIME   Full Duplex Radio for Wireless Mesh Networks with Wireless Power Transfer Capability

ICARUS RobotIcally Controlled RADAR Inspired WiReless Charging for/from Flying UAV PlatformS